Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Extraordinary Outdoors First Outing

It was a glorious fall day. You know the kind. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing. The smell of the turned leaves filled the air. And it was the perfect temperature for a stroll in the woods. Mia and I waited in the parking lot of the Mount Apatite Trail for people to arrive for our first outing. She occupied herself by running around, kicking up sand and leaves, and watching the militiary trucks pass us by. Mount Apatite is located near the Auburn military base, and today they had the gates open to move some of their equipment around.

Soon, people started to arrive for our first event, and not long after that, we were heading down the trail. We had a couple of families stay with us, while one large group walked through the trail system on their own. While we walked, we looked for leaves, acorns, and anything interesting that we happened upon.

It was great to talk to the families that attended. Building a community among parents is one of the many great things that will come out of Extraordinary Outdoors. Sometimes, families feel isolated because it can be hard to find other families that live life in similar situations. Getting together outdoors, in a neutral environment with people who understand, is so therapeutic for parents and kids alike.

Over all, we had a great time being out on the trail, getting to know each other. We stopped for a group photo before heading back down the trail. What a great time these families had exploring the outdoors! We can't wait for the next one!!


  1. It sounds like everyone had a fantastic outing! Great stuff!

    1. Thanks B.A.! It was fun. I can't wait for the next one!

  2. How exciting for you! Super happy it turned out fabulous. Can you email me and touch base on what we discussed a while back? I have some news for you. I've been searching for your email in my inbox and cant find it so 'm wondering if we used facebook email. I'm at irishcarter(at)dedicated2life(dot)com.

    Irish Carter
    "Promoting Passionate People"

  3. What a wonderful day! Good job of putting this all together.

    1. Thanks Robin! I'm in the process of putting together December's! It's an easy task when it's part of something you love doing! :)

  4. HOORAY! Congratulations on your success! Fall has such magic that our children are already connected to.

  5. Glad the event was a success! Your drive is inspirational!
