Friday, September 14, 2012

Mia's EPIC First Word!!

A child's first word is always a BIG accomplishment in the eyes of a parent! No matter what the word is, or how little or how long it takes for a child to say it, the first word is a major milestone in development.

So, after six years of no words because of her battle against Autism, I am sure you can imagine my elation at the first real word to exit Mia's mouth! 

Mia has been in the process of putting sounds together for a little while now, and one day this word just popped out! I'm not sure why it was this word, but it doesn't matter. A word is a word, and one will lead to more!!!


  1. Oh my gosh!!! That's so great! =)

  2. Bravo!!! Perhaps she wants to be a big time movie director? That's not an easy word to say properly! :o)

  3. WHAT!!! THIS IS HUGE!! I can't believe I almost missed it!!! Thanks for recording it for us!

    1. Thanks for watching!! It is so amazing, and there is MORE to come!!! :)
